Cambridge Open - standard HSS Green policy
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Internal Moniker
Cambridge Open - standard HSS Green policy
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The Accepted versions can be archived in:
- Author's Homepage
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- Subject Repository
...with one of the following licences:
- All Rights Reserved
...with the following conditions:
- Must state accepted for publication
- Copyright and source must be acknowledged
- Should link to publisher version or journal website
- Africa
- Africa Bibliography
- African Studies Review
- Ageing & Society
- American Antiquity
- American Political Science Review
- Anatolian Studies: Journal of the British Institute at Ankara
- Ancient Mesoamerica
- Anglo-Saxon England
- Annals of Actuarial Science
- Annual of the British School at Athens
- Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
- Antiquity
- Applied Psycholinguistics
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- Archaeological Dialogues
- Archaeological Reports
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- arq: Architectural Research Quarterly
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- Asian Journal of Law and Society
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- Australian Journal of Environmental Education
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- Cambridge Archaeological Journal
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- Cambridge Opera Journal
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- Canadian Journal on Aging
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
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- Comparative Studies in Society and History
- Contemporary European History
- Continuity and Change: A journal of social structure, law and demography in past societies
- Dance Research Journal
- Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
- Early China
- Early Music History
- Ecclesiastical Law Journal: An international journal for the comparative study of law and religion
- Econometric Theory
- Economics & Philosophy
- Eighteenth-Century Music
- English Language & Linguistics
- English Today: The International Review of the English Language
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- Journal of Anglican Studies
- Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis
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- Journal of Global History
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- Journal of Linguistics
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- Journal of the American Philosophical Association
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- New Surveys in the Classics
- New Testament Studies
- New Theatre Quarterly
- Nineteenth-Century Music Review
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics
- Organised Sound: An International Journal of Music and Technology
- Papers of the British School at Rome
- Perspectives on Politics
- Philosophy
- Phonology
- Plainsong & Medieval Music
- Political Analysis
- Political Science Research and Methods
- Politics and the Life Sciences
- Popular Music
- PS: Political Science and Politics
- Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature
- ReCALL: The Journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning
- Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion
- Review of International Studies
- Review of Middle East Studies
- Royal Historical Society Camden Fifth Series
- Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements
- Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture
- Science in Context
- Scottish Journal of Theology
- Slavic Review: Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies
- Social Philosophy and Policy
- Social Policy and Society
- Social Science History
- Studies in American Political Development
- Studies in Church History
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition
- Tempo
- The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History
- The Antiquaries Journal
- The Cambridge Classical Journal
- The Cambridge Law Journal
- The China Quarterly
- The Classical Quarterly
- The Classical Review
- The Historical Journal
- The Journal of African History
- The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
- The Journal of Economic History
- The Journal of Hellenic Studies
- The Journal of Modern African Studies
- The Journal of Roman Studies
- The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- Theatre Research International
- Think: Philosophy for everyone
- Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion
- TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
- Transnational Environmental Law
- Twentieth-Century Music
- Urban History
- Utilitas
- Victorian Literature and Culture
- World Trade Review
Record Information
Date Last Reviewed
5 June 2024
Date Created
23 December 2020 18:23:41 UTC
Last Modified
5 June 2024 09:20:30 UTC