About Sherpa Juliet
Sherpa Juliet enables researchers and librarians to see funders' conditions for open access publication.
Sherpa Juliet is a searchable database and single focal point of up-to-date information concerning research funders' policies and their requirements on open access, publication and data archiving.
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Research Funder Policies
To maximise the dissemination of the research they fund, the grant conditions of funding organisations increasingly require peer-reviewed research outputs to be made freely available to the public in full at the earliest possible date. These aims can be achieved either by publishing in an open access publication, or by archiving publications in an open access repository, or in some cases both options are required. Various funders also have requirements for archiving the data underlying the published research.
Open access archiving
The ideal archiving policy has three key parts:
- Publications must be deposited in a repository providing unrestricted access free of charge.
- Either the published version or the author's final peer-reviewed version must be deposited.
- Deposition must take place at the time of acceptance for publication.
Open access publishing
Open access journals and hybrid journals may require an additional payment to the publisher for the article to be made open access immediately on the date of publication.
Data archiving policies
Funding organisations are also increasingly requiring grantees to deposit their raw research data in appropriate public archives or stores, in order to facilitate the validation of results and further work by other researchers. The practicalities of providing access to large datasets can be costly for data archives. Therefore, it is acceptable for the archive to recover the costs of access provision on a not-for-profit basis.
Because it can take some time to write up results after a work has been completed, policies may allow a reasonable grace period during which the original researchers have exclusive access to the data before it has to be deposited in a public archive. The lengths of such periods vary by subject discipline. For instance, six months might be suitable for a chemistry project, but an archaeological dig could require several years. However, there clearly needs to be an outer limit, which we have set at five years.
Funder Groups
Some funders have been classified into different groups within Juliet, which allows easier recognition of their common open access policy elements. Some funders can be in more than one group. The current groups are as follows:
- Association of Medical Research Charities
- these funders support AMRC Open Research, which is a platform for rapid author-led publication and open peer review of research funded by AMRC member charities.
- Charity Open Access Fund
- this is a partnership between six health research charities set up to enable open access to the published outputs of the research they support. It makes funds available to pay the open access publication charges of the partner charities.
- Europe PMC Funders' Group
- these funders expect the research they fund to be made available through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC as soon as possible, and in any event within six months of the journal publisher's official date of final publication.
- Plan S Funders
- these are funders that have endorsed Plan S and are jointly working on its implementation.
- Research England manages the REF on behalf of all the four UK higher education funding bodies: Research England, the Scottish Funding Council, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland.
- UK Research and Innovation
- this brings together the seven research councils.
Managing Funder Policy Records
The information in Juliet is updated by the team based on policy review and community contributions.
Please see the Contact page for details of how to contact us about additions or changes to Juliet data, or for any other feedback or questions.
API Access
Data stored in Sherpa Juliet is available over the Sherpa APIs. For more information please see our API Documentation.