Finding out more about Romeo Welcome to this tutorial video on finding out more about Sherpa Romeo. This video will cover key information about Sherpa Romeo, including linking to a specific record, using our data, API access, publisher policy icons, and the glossary. These topics will be demonstrated live on the Sherpa Romeo website. All information covered in this video is stored on the Romeo About page, so we will go to this page now. You can access the about page by clicking the About tab from the Romeo landing page, which is located just at the top here. This page contains information about the service, including information about using the new version of Romeo. If we scroll down to the key information here, this section contains information about the service. So we will start the tutorial by looking at linking to a specific record. All records listed in Romeo have their own persistent URI which can be used to link to a specific record. The URI can be found in each record's Record Information section. We will take a look at an example of this now. So if we have a look at the journal Balance Sheet, and go to the record information, we can see the URI here. We will move on now to re-using Sherpa Romeo data. Our data is available under a CC-BY-NC-ND creative commons licence. For more information, please visit the Jisc re-use policy page. Exceptions to this can be negotiated for specific purposes. Please contact us if you would like more information about this. Next we will look at API access. Data stored in Romeo is available over the Sherpa APIs. You can find out more information by visiting the API Documentation page. So, we will take a look at this documentation This page provides additional information about user accounts, the metadata schema and object retrieval API. If you don’t have a user account, you can create one on this page. All information that you need to know about Sherpa APIs can be found here. The next section is publisher policy icons. This section provides a key to the new iconography scheme introduced to the service in June 2020. For more information about these icons, please refer to the Publisher Policy Icons tutorial video in this series, which can be found on the help page. Next we have a glossary, which defines key terms and phrases that will be helpful to understanding the service. Lastly, we have some information about the Romeo colours that were used in the first version of the service. Whilst these colours were popular with some users, we have listened to user feedback and retired the use of these colours. As open access policies have become more complicated, the colours no longer gave a clear overview of publisher policies. For further information about Sherpa Romeo, please refer to the help page using the tab at the top here. This page contains support for users with using the new service, and includes a user guide and video tutorials. You can download the user guide here. This will take you to the Sherpa Romeo User Guide PDF, which contains lots of helpful information to support you with using the new service. You can also view the video tutorials by expanding the sections here. To download the transcripts for the videos, simply click on the link here and you will see the transcript. If you have any queries or feedback, or would benefit from tutorial videos on any other aspect of Sherpa Romeo, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch at and the Romeo team will get back to you as soon as possible.